
24 Hour Helpdesk – GURU

If you sell anything online you’ll know that the single biggest drain on your time is answering customer support emails.

24 Hour Helpdesk - GURU eBook,24 Hour Helpdesk - GURU plr

Lost download links, non delivery of physical items, technical questions, general queries and a hundred other customer emails that drop into your inbox every week.

And actually answering these emails isn’t straightforward either.

Here’s how a ‘typical’ customer email sequence can go:

Which is why, if you’re serious about your online business you need to install a pro help desk.

If you do this twelve times in a day FOR JUST ONE QUERY you’ve already lost two hours!

Not only that, but once you’ve pasted your most frequently asked questions into your new helpdesk for your customers, you can make it totally searchable too, so your customers simply won’t need to bother you

In fact the whole of this excellent software is built to make YOUR life easier when it comes to dealing with customer support.

Want to know more?


In 24 Hour Helpdesk Guru you can have your own fully functioning, top quality helpdesk software.

And if you’re just starting out I think you’ll agree that ALL the above are important!

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