This plugin allows you to have multiple active WordPress themes running on your blog at the same time!
We all know that traffic is the life blood of our website. It is because if there is no one visits our pages, then what’s the use of having one?
Another issue is that, what if you have traffic but it doesn’t convert and make you money from it. You are just wasting your time and effort though.
People love to see beautiful things even in viewing pages on the internet. If you are using WordPress, installing free or premium theme is very easy and base from the looks of your site, the site viewers will judge your credibility not just on the information you’ve shared but also on the design of your website.
What if you install multiple active WordPress Themes at the same time and test which theme really converts well? Isn’t it great? Inside this product package you will receive a special WordPress that does this thing for your website.
Below are few of its main features that you will absolutely like it:
- Use one theme for all posts, one for your homepage
- You can also specify specific themes for other non-admin pages like categories and archive pages.
- You can even select additional themes for specific posts or pages that override site wide settings.
And so much more…
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