
Recently Viewed WP Plugin

Reduce Your Bounce Rate, Increase Your Page Views, And Give Readers Exactly The Information They Need And Want, Every Time They Visit!

Recently Viewed WP Plugin

Have you noticed how great sites like Amazon and Ebay are at keeping you engaged? It seems they’re constantly reminding you of items you viewed in the past, and showing you what other, related products they sell.

In fact, no matter what page you’re on, there in the sidebar or in the footer, you’ll find something more to look at. And because you’ve viewed it or a similar item in the past, it’s much more likely to grab your attention. Pretty smart marketing, huh? What if you could do the same thing on your website?

So while that rudimentary plugin might do a little to encourage readers to click around on your site (or maybe to someone else’s) it’s not engaging with your visitors in a way that drives sales.

What does this mean for bloggers and other site owners? Simply put, if your readers are coming to your site and looking at only a single page or post, Google is penalizing you. Your ranking in the search results will suffer, even if the reader stayed on your site long enough to read an entire article!

The easiest fix? Encourage every reader to visit other pages by offering more information she may be interested in. Keep Them Reading Longer By Showing Them Exactly What They Want To See.

The new, ‘Recently Viewed’ WordPress plugin does the following:

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