Too many people are trying to be something they’re not, and this grinds them down.
Regardless of how hard they try, and regardless of how much effort they put in, they simply aren’t happy, nor are they fulfilled. There’s always something missing. They feel incomplete, flawed and weak.
Learn how to live a more meaningful and contented life by embracing your flaws!
With this video course:
- You are going to understand the importance of Personal Contentment.
- You will learn to identify the 8 mindsets that work to hold us back and drag us down.
- You will understand what self-acceptance is.
- You can begin to understand your base of strength and competency.
- You are going to learn exactly how to live your life based on what matters to you.
Topics covered:
- 8 Mindsets that Crush Personal Contentment
- Choosing to Accept Yourself is Not a Cop-out
- If You Don’t Accept Yourself, Who Will?
- Self-acceptance is Crucial to Self-Respect and Self-Love
- The Foundation of Acceptance: Letting Go of Harmful Perfection
- Honestly Acknowledge Your Flaws
- Quit Apologizing For Your Flaws
- Turning Your Flaws into Assets
- Know Your Limits
- Learn to Move on
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