Warning! An Unorganized Website Is An Unprofitable Website! Did You Know That You’re Losing 71% Of Your Visitors Because Your Web Pages Don’t Guide Them Properly?!
If you have been visiting medium or large blogs, you can see that some of these websites has a single page that organize their content. Sometimes, they call this page as the resource page.
Now, if you aren’t doing the same thing, according to the statistics stated above your conversion rate will really suffer.
The good news is that inside this piece of tool is a script that will organize what needs to be organized in your website. The Turbo A to Z streamlines the process of creating organized databases.
Just imagine the many applications for this unique solution:
- Use it to create your very own online dictionary!
- Use it to create an encyclopedia specific to the niche you’re tackling.
- Use it as a reference table for just about anything, ranging from pharmaceutical guides, to comic book databases, to antique checklists, to any other listing you can think of!
- Use it as a comprehensive address book for your personal or professional usage.
- Use it as a repository of secrets that your visitors can unlock… this can be so much fun for them!
- Use it as an inventory for the items you have in stock.
- Use it a FAQ system!
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