Are you in danger of getting your files and download links stolen? If you’re using Amazon s3, you just might!
New Plugin Keeps All Your Files Protected from the Cracks that Exist in Amazon s3’s storage Service!
You use Amazon S3 right? It’s like a marketer’s dream, I know. They host all your files and you pay pennies for the service. Why more people aren’t using it, I don’t know.
But there is a danger to using it and I’m not sure if you were aware of this…
And I didn’t realize this myself till I started researching the issue. I figured my files were in a very safe and secure environment.
WP Sonic Guard! The Easiest, Most Powerful, No Frills Plugin that Will Lock Down Your Content from any Thief in a Matter of Minutes…!
Here’s What this Amazing Plugin will Do for You:
- For now on, no file will ever be left unprotected. This plugin will protect every file you have hosted on Amazon S3.
- No need to mess around with file permissions…this will eliminate the hassle of going through that tedious task.
- Easily specify the amount of time a link will expire on your admin dashboard.
- Super easy install and set up. You’ll be up and protected in no time!
- This plugin uses that same expert technology as the popular MemberSonic Membership Site plugin so the level of quality is at the highest standard possible.
- Use my unique shortcode system to make it drop dead simple to protect your download links instantly
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