Now You Can Write Faster, Create Better Titles and Openings, and Craft Compelling Calls to Action–Right From Your WordPress Dashboard!
Is there anything worse than staring at a blank screen? You’re on a deadline. You have a blog post to get out, or a sales page to complete, and yet…nothing.
The words just don’t come. Or worse, you struggle through false start after false start. Write. Delete. Write. Delete. It’s frustrating! And the time you’ve wasted could be better spent, well, just about anywhere else.
A swipe file is simply examples of compelling titles, openings, closings, and calls to action that you can quickly use to generate your own content. As you’re reading through other blog posts in your niche and find something that resonates with you, add it to your swipe file. See a great email headline? Add it to your swipe file. Love the call to action on a sales page? Swipe it!
With this clever plugin, you’ll never again suffer from writer’s block caused from that blank screen. With the click of a button, you can add compelling titles, openings and other content right to your post for an instant kickstart.
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